[MOBY-guts] biomoby commit
senger at pub.open-bio.org
Sat Jun 21 19:27:41 UTC 2003
Sat Jun 21 15:27:41 EDT 2003
Update of /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/Clients
In directory pub.open-bio.org:/tmp/cvs-serv22032/Clients
Modified Files:
Log Message:
moby-live/Java/Clients TestingCentral.java,1.6,1.7
RCS file: /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/Clients/TestingCentral.java,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -r1.6 -r1.7
--- /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/Clients/TestingCentral.java 2003/06/15 15:21:56 1.6
+++ /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/Clients/TestingCentral.java 2003/06/21 19:27:41 1.7
@@ -70,6 +70,41 @@
+ * Create a Service object
+ *************************************************************************/
+ protected MobyService createService (String serviceName) {
+ MobyService service = new MobyService (serviceName);
+ service.setDescription ("description for service " + serviceName);
+ service.setAuthority ("testing.org");
+ service.setEmailContact (emailContact);
+ service.setAuthoritative (true);
+ service.setURL ("http://www.testing.org");
+ return service;
+ }
+ /*************************************************************************
+ * Create a SecondaryData object
+ *************************************************************************/
+ protected MobySecondaryData createSecondaryData (String objectName, String type) {
+ MobySecondaryData data = new MobySecondaryData (objectName);
+ data.setDataType (type);
+ if (type.equalsIgnoreCase ("Integer")) {
+ data.setDefaultValue ("123");
+ data.setMaximumValue (234);
+ data.setMinimumValue (23);
+ data.addAllowedValue ("30");
+ data.addAllowedValue ("40");
+ data.addAllowedValue ("50");
+ } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase ("String")) {
+ data.setDefaultValue ("nice default");
+ data.addAllowedValue ("Mark");
+ data.addAllowedValue ("Jason");
+ data.addAllowedValue ("Martin");
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ /*************************************************************************
* Entry point...
@@ -116,6 +151,7 @@
String result;
+ // retrieve things
try {
start ("retrieveServiceNames");
Map serviceNames = worker.getServiceNames();
@@ -146,6 +182,7 @@
} catch (MobyException e) { error (e); }
+ // register service type
String uniqueName = "MyTestingServiceType_" + new Date().getTime();
MobyServiceType stype = helper.createServiceType (uniqueName);
try {
@@ -155,29 +192,23 @@
} catch (MobyException e) { error (e);
} catch (NoSuccessException e) { error (e); }
+ // register namespace(s)
+ MobyNamespace namespace1 = helper.createNamespace ("MyTestingNamespace_" + new Date().getTime() + 1);
+ MobyNamespace namespace2 = helper.createNamespace ("MyTestingNamespace_" + new Date().getTime() + 2);
try {
- start ("deregisterServiceType");
- worker.unregisterServiceType (stype);
+ start ("registerNamespace - 1");
+ worker.registerNamespace (namespace1);
} catch (MobyException e) { error (e);
} catch (NoSuccessException e) { error (e); }
- uniqueName = "MyTestingNamespace_" + new Date().getTime();
- MobyNamespace namespace = helper.createNamespace (uniqueName);
try {
- start ("registerNamespace");
- worker.registerNamespace (namespace);
- ok();
- } catch (MobyException e) { error (e);
- } catch (NoSuccessException e) { error (e); }
- try {
- start ("deregisterNamespace");
- worker.unregisterNamespace (namespace);
+ start ("registerNamespace - 2");
+ worker.registerNamespace (namespace2);
} catch (MobyException e) { error (e);
} catch (NoSuccessException e) { error (e); }
+ // register data type(s)
String name1 = "MyTestingDataType_" + new Date().getTime() + 1;
String name2 = "MyTestingDataType_" + new Date().getTime() + 2;
String name3 = "MyTestingDataType_" + new Date().getTime() + 3;
@@ -208,6 +239,63 @@
} catch (NoSuccessException e) { error (e); }
try {
+ start ("getDataTypeDefinition - 2");
+ worker.getDataType (data2.getName());
+ ok();
+ } catch (MobyException e) { error (e);
+ } catch (NoSuccessException e) { error (e); }
+ // register a service
+ MobyPrimaryDataSimple simpleData = new MobyPrimaryDataSimple ("Simpla_A");
+ simpleData.setDataType (data2);
+ simpleData.addNamespace (namespace1);
+ simpleData.addNamespace (namespace2);
+ MobyPrimaryDataSimple simpleData1 = new MobyPrimaryDataSimple ("Simple_B");
+ simpleData1.setDataType (data1);
+ simpleData.addNamespace (namespace1);
+ MobyPrimaryDataSimple simpleData2 = new MobyPrimaryDataSimple ("Simple_C");
+ simpleData2.setDataType (data2);
+ simpleData.addNamespace (namespace1);
+ MobyPrimaryDataSimple simpleData3 = new MobyPrimaryDataSimple ("Simple_D");
+ simpleData3.setDataType (data3);
+ simpleData.addNamespace (namespace1);
+ MobyPrimaryDataSet collection = new MobyPrimaryDataSet ("Collection_A");
+ collection.addElement (simpleData1);
+ collection.addElement (simpleData2);
+ collection.addElement (simpleData3);
+ MobySecondaryData secData1 = helper.createSecondaryData ("Secondary_A", "Integer");
+ MobySecondaryData secData2 = helper.createSecondaryData ("Secondary_B", "String");
+ MobySecondaryData secData3 = helper.createSecondaryData ("Secondary_C", name3);
+ MobyService service = helper.createService ("MyTestingService_" + new Date().getTime());
+ service.setType (stype.getName());
+ service.addInput (simpleData);
+ service.addInput (collection);
+ service.addInput (secData1);
+ service.addInput (secData2);
+ service.addInput (secData3);
+ try {
+ start ("registerService");
+ worker.registerService (service);
+ ok();
+ } catch (MobyException e) { error (e);
+ } catch (NoSuccessException e) { error (e); }
+ // TBD: find service
+ // ..
+ // deregister everything
+ try {
+ start ("deregisterService");
+ worker.unregisterService (service);
+ ok();
+ } catch (MobyException e) { error (e);
+ } catch (NoSuccessException e) { error (e); }
+ try {
start ("deregisterDataType - 3");
worker.unregisterDataType (data3);
@@ -226,146 +314,27 @@
} catch (MobyException e) { error (e);
} catch (NoSuccessException e) { error (e); }
+ try {
+ start ("deregisterNamespace - 2");
+ worker.unregisterNamespace (namespace2);
+ ok();
+ } catch (MobyException e) { error (e);
+ } catch (NoSuccessException e) { error (e); }
+ try {
+ start ("deregisterNamespace - 1");
+ worker.unregisterNamespace (namespace1);
+ ok();
+ } catch (MobyException e) { error (e);
+ } catch (NoSuccessException e) { error (e); }
+ try {
+ start ("deregisterServiceType");
+ worker.unregisterServiceType (stype);
+ ok();
+ } catch (MobyException e) { error (e);
+ } catch (NoSuccessException e) { error (e); }
-// if (testService) {
-// String serviceName = "TestingService_" + new Date().getTime();
-// String serviceType = "TestingServiceType_" + new Date().getTime();
-// String objectType1 = "TestingObjectType1_" + new Date().getTime();
-// String namespace1 = "TestingNamespace1_" + new Date().getTime();
-// String objectType2 = "TestingObjectType2_" + new Date().getTime();
-// String namespace2 = "TestingNamespace2_" + new Date().getTime();
-// String objectType3 = "TestingObjectType3_" + new Date().getTime();
-// String objectType4 = "TestingObjectType4_" + new Date().getTime();
-// String authURI = "org.embl.ebi.senger";
-// result = client.registerServiceType (serviceType);
-// String serviceTypeId = client.extractId (result);
-// result = client.registerNamespace (namespace1);
-// String namespaceId1 = client.extractId (result);
-// result = client.registerNamespace (namespace2);
-// String namespaceId2 = client.extractId (result);
-// result = client.registerObject (objectType1, "<blank/>");
-// String objectId1 = client.extractId (result);
-// result = client.registerObject (objectType2, "<blank/>");
-// String objectId2 = client.extractId (result);
-// result = client.registerObject (objectType3, "<blank/>");
-// String objectId3 = client.extractId (result);
-// result = client.registerObject (objectType4, "<blank/>");
-// String objectId4 = client.extractId (result);
-// // 1. register a service
-// System.out.println ("METHOD: registerService '" + serviceName + "'");
-// result = (String)client.doCall ("registerService",
-// new Object[] {
-// "<registerService>" +
-// "<Category>moby</Category>" +
-// "<serviceName>" + serviceName + "</serviceName>" +
-// "<serviceType>" + serviceType + "</serviceType>" +
-// "<authURI>" + authURI + "</authURI>" +
-// "<inputObjects>" +
-// "<Input>" +
-// "<objectType>" + objectType1 + "</objectType>" +
-// "<namespaceType>" + namespace1 + "</namespaceType>" +
-// "</Input>" +
-// "<Input>" +
-// "<objectType>" + objectType2 + "</objectType>" +
-// "<namespaceType>" + namespace2 + "</namespaceType>" +
-// "</Input>" +
-// "</inputObjects>" +
-// "<outputObjects>" +
-// "<objectType>" + objectType3 + "</objectType>" +
-// "<objectType>" + objectType4 + "</objectType>" +
-// "</outputObjects>" +
-// "<URL>http://not.existing.server/not.existing.service</URL>" +
-// "<Description><![CDATA[" +
-// "This is ONLY A TESTING service." +
-// "]]>" +
-// "</Description>" +
-// "</registerService>"
-// });
-// System.out.println ("----------------------------\n" + result);
-// String serviceId = client.extractId (result);
-// // 2. locate service byte service type
-// System.out.println ("METHOD: locateServiceByType '" + serviceType + "'");
-// result = (String)client.doCall ("locateServiceByType",
-// new Object[] {
-// "<locateServiceByType>" +
-// "<serviceType>" + serviceType + "</serviceType>" +
-// "<fullServices>1</fullServices>" +
-// "</locateServiceByType>"
-// });
-// System.out.println ("---------------------------\n" + result);
-// // 3. locate service by input type
-// System.out.println ("METHOD: locateServiceByInput");
-// result = (String)client.doCall ("locateServiceByInput",
-// new Object[] {
-// "<locateServiceByInput>" +
-// "<inputObjects>" +
-// "<Input>" +
-// "<objectType>" + objectType1 + "</objectType>" +
-// "<namespaceType>" + namespace1 + "</namespaceType>" +
-// "</Input>" +
-// "<Input>" +
-// "<objectType>" + objectType2 + "</objectType>" +
-// "<namespaceType>" + namespace2 + "</namespaceType>" +
-// "</Input>" +
-// "</inputObjects>" +
-// "<serviceType>" + serviceType + "</serviceType>" +
-// "<authURI>" + authURI + "</authURI>" +
-// "<fullObjects>1</fullObjects>" +
-// "<fullServices>1</fullServices>" +
-// "</locateServiceByInput>"
-// });
-// System.out.println ("--------------------------------\n" + result);
-// // 4. locate service by output type
-// System.out.println ("METHOD: locateServiceByOutput");
-// result = (String)client.doCall ("locateServiceByOutput",
-// new Object[] {
-// "<locateServiceByOutput>" +
-// "<objectType>" + objectType4 + "</objectType>" +
-// "<serviceType>" + serviceType + "</serviceType>" +
-// "<authURI>" + authURI + "</authURI>" +
-// "<fullObjects>1</fullObjects>" +
-// "<fullServices>1</fullServices>" +
-// "</locateServiceByOutput>"
-// });
-// System.out.println ("---------------------------------\n" + result);
-// // 5. retrieve service (by service name)
-// System.out.println ("METHOD: retrieveService");
-// result = (String)client.doCall ("retrieveService",
-// new Object[] {
-// "<retrieveService>" +
-// "<authURI>" + authURI + "</authURI>" +
-// "<serviceName>" + serviceName + "</serviceName>" +
-// "</retrieveService>"
-// });
-// System.out.println ("-----------------------\n" + result);
-// // 6. deregister service
-// System.out.println ("METHOD: deregisterService \"" + serviceTypeId + "\"");
-// result = (String)client.doCall ("deregisterService",
-// new Object[] {
-// "<deregisterService>" +
-// "<serviceID>" + serviceId + "</serviceID>" +
-// "</deregisterService>"
-// });
-// System.out.println ("---------------------------\n" + result);
-// // 7. deregister the rest
-// result = client.deregisterServiceType (serviceTypeId);
-// result = client.deregisterObject (objectId1);
-// result = client.deregisterObject (objectId2);
-// result = client.deregisterObject (objectId3);
-// result = client.deregisterObject (objectId4);
-// result = client.deregisterNamespace (namespaceId1);
-// result = client.deregisterNamespace (namespaceId2);
-// }
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println ("===ERROR===");
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