[MOBY-guts] biomoby commit
Mark Wilkinson
mwilkinson at pub.open-bio.org
Fri Aug 15 23:41:56 UTC 2003
Fri Aug 15 19:41:56 EDT 2003
Update of /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Perl/scripts/Services
In directory pub.open-bio.org:/tmp/cvs-serv3366/Services
Modified Files:
Log Message:
get GO gene product associations service
moby-live/Perl/scripts/Services LocalServices.pm,1.27,1.28
RCS file: /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Perl/scripts/Services/LocalServices.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.27
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -u -r1.27 -r1.28
--- /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Perl/scripts/Services/LocalServices.pm 2003/08/14 20:47:02 1.27
+++ /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Perl/scripts/Services/LocalServices.pm 2003/08/15 23:41:56 1.28
@@ -59,7 +59,10 @@
die "can't connecvt to database\n" unless $dbh;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{select name, term_definition from term, term_definition where term.id = term_definition.term_id and acc=?});
- foreach (@accessions){
+ foreach my $acc(@accessions){
+ unless ($acc =~/^GO:/){
+ $acc = "GO:$acc"; # we still haven't decided on whether id's should include the prefix...
+ }
my ($term, $def) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
if ($term){
@@ -80,6 +83,85 @@
+sub getGoTermAssociations {
+ my $SOM = pop;
+ my ($self, $data) = @_;
+ my $response = "";
+ my @accessions;
+ # first, get the valid URI for the namespace that we accept
+ my $OS = MOBY::Client::OntologyServer->new;
+ my ($s, $m, $VALID_NAMESPACE) = $OS->namespaceExists(term => 'GO');
+ unless ($VALID_NAMESPACE){ # unless we could get the known namespace LSID's we should bail because somethign is very very wrong!
+ print STDERR "the namespace GO does not exist in the MOBY namespace ontology\n";
+ return SOAP::Data->type('base64' => responseHeader() . responseFooter()); # base 64 encode it (optional)
+ }
+ # now start analyzing the input data
+ my @input_nodes = getInputArticles($data);
+ foreach (@input_nodes){
+ my ($input) = @{$_}; # this service only allows one input per query, so take the first
+ my $ns = getSimpleArticleNamespaceURI($input);
+ push @accessions, undef unless $ns eq $VALID_NAMESPACE; # if we have been sent an invalid namespace, then stack an undef as a response
+ my ($id) = getSimpleArticleIDs($ns, [$input]);
+ if (defined $id){
+ push @accessions, $id;
+ } else {
+ push @accessions, undef;
+ }
+ }
+ use DBI;
+ use DBD::mysql;
+ my $dbh = _dbAccess('go');
+ die "can't connecvt to database\n" unless $dbh;
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("
+ select
+ gp.symbol,
+ species_id,
+ xr.xref_dbname,
+ t.term_type,
+ t.name,
+ term_definition
+ from
+ gene_product as gp,
+ term as t,
+ term_definition,
+ association as a,
+ dbxref as xr
+ where
+ t.id = a.term_id
+ and a.gene_product_id = gp.id
+ and xr.id = gp.dbxref_id
+ and t.acc=?
+ and a.is_not = 0
+ and term.id = term_definition.term_id
+ order by species_id");
+ foreach my $acc(@accessions){
+ unless ($acc =~/^GO:/){
+ $acc = "GO:$acc"; # we still haven't decided on whether id's should include the prefix...
+ }
+ my @simples;
+ $sth->execute($_);
+ while (my ($symb, $sp, $namsp, $type, $name, $def) = $sth->fetchrow_array){
+ my $response_data .= "<Object namespace='$namsp' id='$symb'>\n";
+ $response_data .= " <CrossReference>\n";
+ $response_data .= " <Invocation namespace='GO' id='$acc'/>\n";
+ $response_data .= " <Object namespace='taxon' id='$sp'/>\n";
+ $response_data .= " </CrossReference>\n";
+ $response_data .= "</Object>\n";
+ push @simples, simpleResponse($response_data);
+ }
+ $response .= collectionResponse(\@simples); # after all images have been collected, create the collection
+ }
+ $response = responseHeader() . $response . responseFooter();
+ my $SOAPResponse = SOAP::Data->type('base64' => $response);
+ return $SOAPResponse
sub RetrieveGOFromKeywords {
my $SOM = pop;
my ($self, $query) = @_;
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