[MOBY-guts] biomoby commit
Mark Wilkinson
mwilkinson at dev.open-bio.org
Tue Nov 12 19:18:44 UTC 2002
Tue Nov 12 14:18:44 EST 2002
Update of /home/repository/moby/moby-live/UseCases
In directory dev:/tmp/cvs-serv2432
Modified Files:
Log Message:
changed Use Case template in light of suggestions from Damian and Andrew. Added several fields in addition to their suggestion in which we can describe a workflow solution using the existing BioMOBY architecture as a way of measuring our progress,success, or failure.
moby-live/UseCases MOBY_Use_Case_Template.html,1.1,1.2
RCS file: /home/repository/moby/moby-live/UseCases/MOBY_Use_Case_Template.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- /tmp/T069aWXe 2002-11-12 14:18:44.350009921 -0500
+++ /tmp/T179aWXe 2002-11-12 14:18:44.350009921 -0500
@@ -2,85 +2,180 @@
<title>MOBY Use Case Template</title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type"
content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<meta name="author" content="Mark Wilkinson">
-<h2><a name="UseCase_ActiveStarsforProperMoti"> </a> <a
- href="/bin/view/VO/UseCase">UseCase</a>: <a
- href="/bin/view/VO/ActiveStarsforProperMotion">Title_Here</a> </h2>
-<p> </p>
-<h3><a name="PrimaryActor_"> </a> <a href="/bin/view/VO/PrimaryActor">PrimaryActor</a>:
+ <body>
+<h2>Use Case:</h2>
+ <Unique Title for your Use Case Here><br>
+<hr width="10%" align="left">
+<p> </p>
+<h2> Scenario Reference: </h2>
+<Link to a file describing the scenario><br>
+<hr width="10%" align="left">
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
-<hr width="10%" align="left">
-<h3><a name="EndResult_"> </a> <a href="/bin/view/VO/EndResult">EndResult</a>:
-<h3><a name="OtherActors_"> </a> <a href="/bin/view/VO/OtherActors">OtherActors</a>:
+<h2> Background Knowledge: </h2>
+ <description of 'real-wrold' context, and the contextual relevance
+of the use case><br>
+<p> </p>
<p> </p>
+<hr width="10%" align="left">
+<h2> PrimaryActor: </h2>
+ <the entity for which this use case will generate a useful result><br>
+<p> </p>
<p> </p>
-<hr width="10%" align="left">
-<h3><a name="PreConditions_"> </a> <a href="/bin/view/VO/PreConditions">PreConditions</a>:
- <li>
- <ol>
- <li> <br>
- </li>
- </ol>
- </li>
+<hr width="10%" align="left">
+<h2>Other Actors: </h2>
+ <an exhaustive list of other entities which must participate in
+the flow of events to achieve this result><br>
+<p> </p>
<p> </p>
-<hr width="10%" align="left">
-<h3><a name="FlowOfEvents_"> </a> <a href="/bin/view/VO/FlowOfEvents">FlowOfEvents</a>:
+<hr width="10%" align="left">
+<h2>Initial State: </h2>
+<starting condition of each actor and/or data><br>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
-<hr width="10%" align="left">
-<h3><a name="PostCondition_"> </a> <a href="/bin/view/VO/PostCondition">PostCondition</a>:
-<p> </p>
+<hr width="10%" align="left">
+<h2> End Result: </h2>
+<final state of each actor and/or data><br>
<p> </p>
-<hr width="10%" align="left">
-<h3><a name="BasicAssumptions_"> </a> <a
- href="/bin/view/VO/BasicAssumptions">BasicAssumptions</a>: </h3>
<p> </p>
+<hr width="10%" align="left">
+<h2>Preconditions: </h2>
+< things outside of this use-case and/or workflow that must be true in
+order for the use case to succeed (e.g. defined data types, algorithms, etc)><br>
<p> </p>
-<hr width="10%" align="left">
-<h3><a name="AlternativeFlows_"> </a> <a
- href="/bin/view/VO/AlternativeFlows">AlternativeFlows</a>: </h3>
+<hr width="10%" align="left">
+<h2> Existing Workflow: </h2>
+ < if possible, a description of how the problem might be solved
+using available tools. These tools must correspond to one of the actors
+listed above. If such an actor does not exist, then there is no existng
+workflow. ><br>
+<hr width="10%" align="left">
+<h2> Existing Workflow Limitations: </h2>
+ <Identification of the parts of the existing workflow that create
+inefficiencies, bottlenecks, instabilities, etc. ><br>
+<p> </p>
+<p> </p>
+<hr width="10%" align="left"><br>
+<h2>Existing Workflow Exemplars: </h2>
+ <Identification of the parts of the existing workflow that are exemplary
+for stability, scalability, maintainablity, etc ><br>
+<hr width="10%" align="left">
+<h2> MOBY Workflow: </h2>
+ < if possible, a description of how the problem might be solved
+using the currently deployed MOBY architecture ><br>
+<hr width="10%" align="left">
+<p> </p>
+<p> </p>
+<p> </p>
+<p> </p>
+<h2>MOBY Workflow Limitations: </h2>
+<Identification of the parts of the MOBY workflow that create inefficiencies,
+bottlenecks, instabilities, etc. ><br>
+ <br>
+<p> </p>
+<p> </p>
+<hr width="10%" align="left">
+<h2> MOBY Workflow Exemplars: </h2>
+<Identification of the parts of the MOBY workflow that are exemplary for
+stability, scalability, maintainablity, etc. Particularly note the
+improvements achieved using the MOBY approach ><br>
+ <br>
+<hr width="10%" align="left"><br>
+<h2>Alternative Workflows:</h2>
+ < are there other ways to solve the problem? ><br>
<p> </p>
-<hr width="10%" align="left">
-<h3><a href="/bin/view/VO/KeyReferences"> Discussion</a></h3>
+<hr width="10%" align="left">
+<h2> Discussion: </h2>
+< what does the example teach us about the MOBY approach, e.g. does it
+clarify what MOBY is and is not, or what it should be><br>
<hr width="10%" align="left">
-<h3><a href="/bin/view/VO/KeyReferences">KeyReferences</a>: </h3>
+<h2> Priority:</h2>
+ < Mandatory (If MOBY can not do this, then it is a failure);
+High (a good solution should be able to solve this problem) ; Medium (a good
+solution may still not be able to solve this problem) ; Low (outside of the
+agreed-upon scope of the BioMOBY project) ><br>
+<hr width="10%" align="left">
+<h2> Key References: </h2>
- href="http://ukads.nottingham.ac.uk/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=2000A%26A...353..569P&db_key=AST"></a>
+ </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
+ <br>
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