[MOBY-dev] GCP_GenomicFeatureVariant in biomoby-datatypes-1.3.0.jar + CVS problem

Guilhem Sempere guilhem.sempere at cirad.fr
Tue Aug 31 09:06:40 UTC 2010


I am basically taking over an application which contains Moby clients, 
and am expected to add new clients to it.  I am using Maven so the 
datatype jars available to me are those found here : 

The client I am currently adding requires the following datatype : 
GCP_SimpleIdentifierWithTypeOperatorAndCount, which can only be found in 
version 1.3.0

However, when I switch to version 1.3.0, a previously existing client 
starts to fail, warning that it is "Ignoring unknown element : 
GCP_GenomicFeatureVariant", although this class does exist in the jar.

After investigations I decompiled class 
org.biomoby.shared.datatypes.MapDataTypes in versions 1.2.0 and 1.3.0, 
and found out that the following line, that was present in 1.2.0, is 
missing in 1.3.0 :


I guess this is the reason to my problem, but can anyone tell me why 
this line has disappeared?

Second issue : I also tried to get the latest versions from CVS 
(assuming this is the correct location 
:pserver:cvs at cvs.open-bio.org:/home/repository/moby) but when I try to 
connect I always get a message saying "can't create temporary directory" 
: does that mean the CVS server is out of diskpace?

Help much appreciated, thanks in advance.


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