[MOBY-dev] Minor changes in JMoby

Andreas Groscurth groscurt at mpiz-koeln.mpg.de
Wed Jan 28 15:15:40 UTC 2009

The backwards compatibility cant be guaranteed however you doing it.

The problem was that in the existing build scripts it was hardcoded that 
it shall use tomcat and with the internal structure of tomcat (the 
webapps/ path) - so it wasnt possible at all to deploy on another server...

Of course I can go back to *tomcat.host* instead of *server.host* so 
that existing applications run without problems - but still they would 
fail because the build files dont rely on the hard coded information 
anymore. And if any application does so - it will fail no matter how we 
name the properties.

And honestly, I dont want to go back to the tomcat hard coded situation 
to be able to deploy only on tomcat...

If you have a good solution for this - guarantee backwards compatibility 
and dont having the hardcoded paths in the build file - I'm more than 
happy to do that....


Martin Senger wrote:
>> the question is why you want that ? except existing applications relying on
>> the exact naming I couldnt think of another reason as this is a pure naming
>> change
> But it is exactly the reason I have: the backwards compatibility. Something
> similar already was there before: you could use, from historical reasons,
> both properties tomcat.home or catalina.home. Now, you just added the
> server.YYY properties but the old ones should still be valid.
> Martin

  Dipl. Bioinf. Andreas Groscurth
  Software developer
  Plant Computational Biology group
  Max-Planck Institute for plant breeding research
  Carl-von-Linne Weg 10
  50829 Cologne
  +49(0) 221 5062449

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