[MOBY-dev] bug report: jMoby Registry refers to default instead of accessing private

Paul Gordon gordonp at ucalgary.ca
Mon Aug 10 14:27:42 UTC 2009

Hi Roger,

If you are not using the default registry, you need to pas a Registry 
object into data object creation methods and others.  If you can send me 
the code that got this error, I can help you ensure you are properly 
telling Moby which registry should be referenced.



Finkers, Richard wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am working on implementing an own moby client (based on the simpleclient example / Java Moby API) in the backbone of my database system. For this, we use a custom biomoby repository.
> All goes fine (service lookup / service call) however in the default situation I run into the following error while processing the XML:
> Problem: org.biomoby.shared.MobyException: Attempted to build a composite MOBY object from XML, but the tag (MeasurementSet) does not correspond to an existing data type in the registry (default).  Please check the spelling and capitalization of the XML tag, to match a registered data type.
> This is logic since the object MeasurementSet was not registered in the default (Calgary) registry but in our private project repository.
> I was able to hack a work-around by changing the DEFAULT_ENDPOINT and DEFAULT_NAMESPACE in the CentralImple.java class to the ENDPOINT and NAMESPACE of my main (project) repository.
> I was not able to trace back the origin of the bug (yet). Can any of you help me with this?
> Cheers,
> Richard
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