[MOBY-dev] mobycentral

Edward Kawas edward.kawas at gmail.com
Tue Apr 7 01:46:03 UTC 2009

Hello All,

There is a new release of the mobycentral registry codebase available on
cpan[1]. There are various bug fixes, as well as the addition of cgi-async
as a service category. When you run the test suite, you will fail 1 test
(the duplicate articlename test). This is normal. If you install the module
and then run the suite, you will find that all tests pass.

If you update your mobycentral installation, please make sure to run
'moby-s-update-db.pl' *after* you install the perl modules. This script is
automatically added to your system, so there is no need to try and locate it
in the distribution! This script adds the new service category to the db



[1] http://search.cpan.org/dist/MOBY/

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