[MOBY-dev] correspondence between service and executable.

Sebastien Carrere sebastien.carrere at toulouse.inra.fr
Thu Oct 2 08:58:19 UTC 2008

Hi Jason,

We developped a lightweight framework in Toulouse (France), called PlayMoby.

The aim of this framework is to deploy easily BioMoby web-services for 
command line applications running on UNIX-like systems using a Mobyle 
program description (http://bioweb2.pasteur.fr/projects/mobyle/).

You have an exemple on how to write a perl wrapper for Blast 
(blastp_swissprot) in the "Sample scripts" section 

We deploy and survey around 120 web-services deployed with PlayMoby and 
if you need another exemple based on EMBOSS program, you can ask me 
sources for one of the following program:

Hope this help,


jason a écrit :
> Hi,
> Any suggestion on this one?
> Help is appreciated.
> -jason
> jason wrote:
>> Hi, all
>> I am trying to set up some moby services for testing. What I have is 
>> a bunch of binaries such as blast, hmmer, and emboss program running 
>> on my system?  One step in the service registration is generating 
>> service meta data.  I guess others already register some of these 
>> binaries as services. Is there a way I can find out what binary is 
>> registered in the Moby Central? If I can, I could fetch those service 
>> meta data from moby central, change the authority and service URL, 
>> and register my services. Otherwise, I need to inspect and register 
>> the binaries one by one. It is daunting task.
>> thanks
>> -jason
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