[MOBY-dev] MOBY Central DB optimization

Ed Kawas ed.kawas at gmail.com
Mon May 26 13:14:51 UTC 2008

Hi Jason,

If you run the moby-s-install.pl from the command line, and enter 'yes' when
prompted to set up mysql, you can mirror a central registry. This should
help you fill up your local registry.



-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Stewart [mailto:jason.e.stewart at gmail.com] 
Sent: May-26-08 1:43 AM
To: Ed Kawas; Core developer announcements
Subject: Re: MOBY Central DB optimization

Hey Ed,

Just to let you know - it all worked fine, the cvs checkout, and the
make install. I did get some test failures - I can post them if you'd

But now that things are installed... I'm not sure how to initiate the
repository - is there a web page for doing this?

Cheers, jas.

2008/4/22 Ed Kawas <ed.kawas at gmail.com>:
> Hi Jason,
> While it is now easier to install than before, it's still a little
> If I were you, I would checkout moby from the cvs then:
> cd moby-live/Perl/MOBY-Server
> perl Makefile.PL
> make test
> make install
> then after the install, do a 'moby-s-install.pl' from the command line.
> script is placed on you path during the make install phase.
> The 'make' part of things will prompt you to auto install some modules.
> isn't full proof. I usually just download them myself and use the list
> it provides as a guide.
> Before starting make sure that you have installed apache, mysql and have
> libxml2 on your system.
> Let me know if there is anything else that you need.
> Eddie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason Stewart [mailto:jason.e.stewart at gmail.com]
> Sent: April-22-08 3:14 AM
> To: Core developer announcements; Ed Kawas
> Subject: MOBY Central DB optimization
> Hey Eddie,
> Just got the following from Mark:
> "THe MOBY Central issue would also be nice to work-out.  It will be in
> the MOBY-Server/lib/MOBY/Central.pm module.  The findService
> subroutine.  What I currently do is take each parameter that is passed
> into MOBY Central and do a database query on that parameter, hold the
> indexes of the discovered services in a hash where I increment the
> value of that hash elemnt by +1 each time it passes a test of being
> discovered in a single-parameter search, and then figure out which
> hash elements have been discovered on every search, and pass those
> back as the successfully discovered services.  This was done *only* to
> save me having to do nasty and largely unpredictable joins depending
> on which search parameters were passed-in.  If you can think of a way
> to optimize that, then please go ahead!  You will have to install a
> MOBY Central instance yourself - please talk to Eddie, as he has just
> finished writing an installer... should be simply "make install"."
> I'm wanting to setup a MOBY Central instance and debug findService()
> to see if there is a more efficient way to run it. Do you have a
> Cheers, jas.

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