[MOBY-dev] Perl BioMoby install

Pieter Neerincx pieter.neerincx at gmail.com
Mon May 12 11:20:22 UTC 2008


I upgraded my Perl BioMoby install yesterday and noticed two minor  

1. Failed test t/MOBY:

#   Failed test 'use MOBY;'
#   in t/MOBY.t at line 9.
#     Tried to use 'MOBY'.
#     Error:  Can't locate MOBY.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
# BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/MOBY.t line 9.
t/MOBY........................NOK 1/1# Looks like you failed 1 test of  
         Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
         Failed 1/1 tests, 0.00% okay

This test doesn't seem to be very useful. All it does is try a "use  
MOBY;", which fails as MOBY.pm doesn't exist and as far is I know  
shouldn't exist. Can I remove this test from the CVS tree or did I  
miss something and is the test correctly reporting a failure  
indicating a problem?

2. Perl module version number fishiness:

*** Module::AutoInstall version 1.03
*** Checking for Perl dependencies...
[Core Features]
- Test::More               ...loaded. (0.62 >= 0.42)
- Test::Simple             ...loaded. (0.62 >= 0.44)
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker      ...loaded. (6.17 >= 6.11)
- Carp                     ...loaded. (1.01)
- File::Spec               ...loaded. (3.19 >= 0.80)
- SOAP::Lite               ...loaded. (0.69 >= 0.69)
- XML::LibXML              ...loaded. (1.66 >= 1.62)
- IO::Stringy              ...loaded. (2.110 >= 2.110)
- Unicode::String          ...loaded. (2.09 >= 2.09)
- File::ShareDir           ...loaded. (0.05 >= 0.05)
- Template                 ...loaded. (2.19)
- Class::Inspector         ...loaded. (1.18 >= 1.17)
- RDF::Core                ...loaded. (0.51 >= 0.51)
- XML::XPath               ...loaded. (1.13 >= 1.12)
- Text::Shellwords         ...loaded. (1.08 >= 1.00)
- HTML::Entities           ...loaded. (1.27 >= 0.01)
- LS                       ...loaded. (1.1.7 >= 1.1.7)
- DBI                      ...loaded. (1.410 >= 0.01)
- DBD::mysql               ...loaded. (2.900300 >= 0.01)
- IO::Prompt               ...loaded. (0.099004 >= 0.99.2)
- IPC::Shareable           ...loaded. (0.600 >= 0.6)
- WSRF::Lite               ...missing. (would need
- XML::DOM                 ...loaded. (1.430)
- DateTime::Format::Epoch  ...loaded. (0.100)
- DateTime::Format::W3CDTF ...loaded. (0.040)
- HTTP::Daemon             ...loaded. (1.360)
- HTTP::Daemon::SSL        ...loaded. (1.020)
- MIME::Base64             ...loaded. (3.050)
- Digest::SHA1             ...loaded. (2.070)
- Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA      ...loaded. (0.250)
- XML::CanonicalizeXML     ...loaded. (0.030 >= 0.02)
- Sys::Hostname::Long      ...loaded. (1.400)
- Crypt::OpenSSL::X509     ...loaded. (0.500)
==> Auto-install the 1 mandatory module(s) from CPAN? [y] n
==> The module(s) are mandatory! Really skip? [n] y
*** Module::AutoInstall configuration finished.
So far so good. It only complains about WSRF::Lite. I have version installed, but this module doesn't report a version number and  
therefore the dependency check fails. But now it continues:


Checking if your kit is complete...

Looks good

Warning: prerequisite IO::Prompt 0.99.2 not found. We have 0.099004.
Warning: prerequisite LS 1.1.7 not found. We have 1.001007.
Warning: prerequisite WSRF::Lite not found. We have unknown  


This is weird. First it finds LS and IO::Prompt and detects the  
version numbers correctly, but apparently it checks them slightly  
differently now and fails to notice the versions I have are just fine...



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