[MOBY-dev] deregister time out on Test Registry

Sebastien Carrere Sebastien.Carrere at toulouse.inra.fr
Thu Mar 27 11:43:09 UTC 2008


Does anyone else encounter problems when trying to de-register a service 
reisterd in the Test registry ? 

I'va got a time out message:"Failed with status:500 Server closed 
connection without sending any data back"

The service seems to be removed (because when I try to de-register it 
again, I've got the correct message "No services in the registry match 
the given URL and the signatureURL didn\'t contain any services. The RDF 
agent was called, but found nothing useful."

Anyone has an idea ?
I use the Perl API.

NB: this time-out does not occur on the production registry.

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