[MOBY-dev] I am a believer...

Dmitry Repchevsky dmitry.repchevski at bsc.es
Mon Mar 3 17:25:25 UTC 2008

Hello Paul,

So no discussion so far... ;-)

The question is not that I can not use it (my API can support it), but 
THE WAY it supposed to be implemented.
If you look into http://inb.bsc.es/java/moby_ejb3_example.html you can 
see the my point of view.
I would be happy to see MobyMessage as a BARE PAYLOAD of the 
document/literal service:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
        <ns1:MOBY xmlns:ns1="http://www.biomoby.org/moby">
                <ns1:mobyData ns1:queryID="sip_1">
                    <ns1:Simple ns1:articleName="id">
                        <ns1:AminoAcidSequence ns1:id="" ns1:namespace="">
                            <ns1:String ns1:articleName="SequenceString"
                                ns1:id="" ns1:namespace="">AGHFJHGDKHGJKADGHJGDJH</ns1:String>


On the server side it gives an opportunity to use a STANDARD JAX-WS 
protocol stack.
On the client side it gives an opportunity to use a STANDARD JAX-WS 
protocol stack.

The given example was to show that just modifying a little bit JMoby 
BaseService class
(adding public Source invoke(Source request) method and implementing 
Provider<Source> interface)
will add such a support to JMoby WITHOUT breaking "old" soap-encoding 

It would cost virtually nothing to convert the "old" ones to the 
doc/literal, because this way the only thing for the service provider to 
do is to update JMoby version and put some (STANDARD) annotations to the 
service. And by the way get rid of AXIS ;-)

Sicerely Yours,



> I can now go Axis-free in 
> MobyRequest (except for there being no Central implementation without 
> Axis... hint hint). ;-)
Done. http://inb.bsc.es/java/moby_central.html

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