[MOBY-dev] data by reference - a request for comments

Dmitry Repchevsky dmitry.repchevski at bsc.es
Thu Jul 3 09:20:32 UTC 2008

Hello Martin,

So as far as I understand, the final battle is about Rest/Soap... So 
let's use CORBA!!! (joke)

I am not the one that like all the standards (especially the 
latest_and_greatest ones), but as a developer I recognize that we can 
not compete against the whole industry. My usual position is to use 
those standards that have a strong support in a Java world (of course I 
am Java biased). So I see what we have from w3c, an then to JCP... I 
don't want to implement them by myself... I am lazy...
With WSRF I had no other way, but implement a part of it. Here we have a 
problem, because in distributed computations (and Moby is a kind of it) 
Grid is very popular and so WSRF, but somehow Sun guys ignore it...

I understand SOAP and how it works... We can do all the things we need 
just USING it.
Even current Moby message format can fit into it with XML Schema. My 
moby implementation library doesn't parse moby message, but rather let 
the standard Java library do it.

I am afraid we can not mix SOAP-WSRF approach with REST... Just because 
the REST is not a technology, neither a protocol.
It's just a concept (and... IT IS STATELESS), so you can define your 
protocol, but you will need to reinvent all the protocols... when a 
resource should be destroyed? It reminds me the year 2000 when having 
CORBA that worked just fine, someone said "It is complicated, let's 
invent something simple"... Now we have SOAP with 4 different encodings 
+ some 20 specifications + WSDL +... And all they do the same CORBA did 
10 years ago...

Now people don't want SOAP because it is complicated so let's start 
REST... OK, but I'd like to see the specification with 
asynchrony/streaming based on REST concept.

What is why I love Java - There is no any Java specification without a 
working implementation.

So, finally IMHO if we want to move out of SOAP we at least need to know 
where we are moving...



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