[MOBY-dev] Apache http 1.1 problem

Dmitry Repchevsky dmitry.repchevski at bsc.es
Tue Jan 29 19:33:14 UTC 2008

Hello everybody,

I am facing a problem with several servers (central and service endpoints).
The problem is with messages that use http 1.1 chunked messages.
Some endpoints (like 
http://inb.bsc.es/cgi-bin/brokerRetrieval/mobydev.cgi) demand to put 
"Content-Length" header (otherwise return 411 error) even do not use it 
(chunked message).
Another (for example http://moby-dev.inab.org/cgi-bin/MOBY-Central.pl) 
just reject the messages (411).
Does anyone faced this problem?

I'm sure this must be something with Apache configuration...



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