[MOBY-dev] Primitives as primary input

Pieter Neerincx Pieter.Neerincx at wur.nl
Thu Jan 10 18:37:42 UTC 2008

Hi Paul,

On 10-jan-2008, at 17:51, Paul Gordon wrote:

> I think the litmus tests would be:
> 1. might I need to subclass the identifier?
> 2. would it be useful to associate the identifier with anything  
> besides a base object?
> 3. is it a subtype of some other identifier?
> The answers for email are:
> 1. no
> 2. yes (e.g. use it as the namespace for a Person object, which  
> relates oppositely to the data-type argument by Mark)
> 3. no

The reason I initially choose to register an Email object instead of  
a namespace is that it would allow me to subclass it in the future. I  
have to admit I didn't do that yet, which would be a vote in favour  
of a namespace, but who knows... Same for the URLs. My answer to  
question 1 would be a maybe, maybe not.

In addition URLs are a subtype of URIs. (Although I have to admit I  
didn't register them as such: URL isa URI would make sense to me) So  
how would you handle URLs? Object or namespace?



> Sounds like a namespace to me...
> Mark Wilkinson wrote:
>> Hi Andreas!
>> That's a very interesting case!  Is "email" a data-type (Object)  
>> or a semantic-type (Namespace)??  It is a semantic type in the  
>> sense that all email addresses are unique, and therefore behave as  
>> identifiers... but it is often used as a data-type in that it  
>> would be associated with other information like an address and  
>> telephone number.
>> Personally I would be tempted to make a new namespace  
>> 'emailAddress' or something like that, since semantic "precision"  
>> is the goal of these two ontologies.
>> What did we do for URLs?  ...LOL!  Okay, I just went to have a  
>> look in the ontologies and we have an Object "URL" and a Namespace  
>> "URL"!!!  I guess others have had the same question and made  
>> different decisions :-)  I see that it is Pieter's services that  
>> consume the Object "URL" - maybe he can explain to us why he chose  
>> to make URL an object rather than a namespace.
>> Pieter?
>> M
>> On Thu, 10 Jan 2008 03:20:11 -0800, Andreas Groscurth  
>> <groscurt at mpiz-koeln.mpg.de> wrote:
>>> And hi again,
>>> we just had the discussion here... is it recommended to use  
>>> primitives as
>>> primary input ? Or are there actually only for use in secondary  
>>> parameters or
>>> as part of a complex datatype ?
>>> E.g. if a service requires an email as input - give it an object  
>>> with
>>> namespace 'email' or similar - or could I use String with  
>>> namespace 'email'
>>> Thanks and byebye
>>> andreas
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