[MOBY-dev] "dead" services

Edward Kawas edward.kawas at gmail.com
Wed Jan 9 15:50:15 UTC 2008

Hey Paul,

The code that is used to ping the services is available in the cvs under
moby-live/Perl/scripts and the file is called service_tester.pl.


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Gordon [mailto:gordonp at .ca] 
Sent: January-09-08 7:37 AM
To: Mark Wilkinson; Eddie Kawas
Subject: Re: [MOBY-dev] "dead" services

My moby.ucalgary.ca ones are alive, but listed as dead...do y'all have a 
test pinger I can use to debug?

Mark Wilkinson wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just a reminder that the list of "dead" services (those that do not 
> respond to a ping) is being updated every few hours.  The dead 
> services on that list are pretty consistent :-)  Are they really 
> dead?  or do they just not respond properly to pings?
> http://moby.ucalgary.ca/moby/ValidateService?getDeadServices
> Cheers!
> Mark
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