[MOBY-dev] Bug in MobyRequest ?

Andreas Groscurth groscurt at mpiz-koeln.mpg.de
Mon Jan 7 11:44:03 UTC 2008


I'm not sure, but I think there is something wrong in the MobyRequest - or I 
(again) miss something...

The situation is the following:

I want to call a service which has secondaries. I dont give any secondaries in 
the call, because I want to use the default ones the service was registered 

In the method convertMOBYDataToMOBYRequest the secondaried from the service 
are fetched correctly

MobyData[] secondaries = mobyService.getSecondaryInputs();

but then the secondaryParameters from the call are fetched and the following 
comparison makes me wonder

if(secondaries != null && secondaries.length != secondaryParams.size()){
		throw new MobyException("Service " + mobyService.getName() + " was provided 
" +  secondaryParams.size() + " secondary input parameter(s), but takes " + 
secondaries.length +	" (query " + queryName + ")");

This means - if i dont provide any secondaries in my call, the method will 
always throw an exception, although i want that the defaults to be taken.

In my opinion, it should check whether any secondaries from the call are 
present and if not, then use the default ones from the service.

So, am I right or what did I miss ?

Andreas Groscurth
Bioinformatics Developer
Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research
Carl-von-Linné-Weg 10
50829 Cologne
E-mail:    groscurt at mpiz-koeln.mpg.de
Phone:    +49(0)221-5062-449

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