[MOBY-dev] Current CVS ant works, eclipse woes

Neumann, Steffen sneumann at ipb-halle.de
Fri Feb 29 09:32:40 UTC 2008

Hi moby hackers,

(Hi Andreas ;-)

I am just trying the current jmoby CVS snapshot, and share the
experience, and maybe they'll make it into Andreas'

The command line ant targets work fine:

 ant bootstrap
 ant initeclipse
 ant bootstrap
 ant compile
 ant dashboard

But in eclipse I get errors upon build:

29.02.08 10:20:53 CET: Reading /moby/pom.xml
29.02.08 10:21:00 CET: [WARN] 
	Artifact javax.servlet:servlet-api:jar:2.5:provided retains local scope 'provided' overriding broader scope 'compile'
	given by a dependency. If this is not intended, modify or remove the local scope.

29.02.08 10:21:05 CET: [INFO] artifact org.jvnet.staxex:stax-ex: checking for updates from java.net
29.02.08 10:21:10 CET: [INFO] artifact org.jvnet.staxex:stax-ex: checking for updates from bio.maven.repository
29.02.08 10:21:12 CET: [INFO] artifact org.jvnet.staxex:stax-ex: checking for updates from java.net-m2
29.02.08 10:21:14 CET: [INFO] artifact org.jvnet.staxex:stax-ex: checking for updates from hpl.hp.repository
29.02.08 10:21:14 CET: [INFO] artifact org.jvnet.staxex:stax-ex: checking for updates from central
29.02.08 10:21:15 CET: [WARN] 
	Artifact junit:junit:jar:4.4:test retains local scope 'test' overriding broader scope 'compile'
	given by a dependency. If this is not intended, modify or remove the local scope.

29.02.08 10:21:16 CET: Reading /moby/src/samples/pom.xml
29.02.08 10:21:17 CET: [WARN] Unable to get resource from repository central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)
29.02.08 10:21:17 CET: Project build error Cannot find parent: org.biomoby:jmoby for project: org.biomoby:jmoby-plugins:jar:1.0.0
29.02.08 10:21:17 CET: Reading /moby/src/main/pom.xml
29.02.08 10:21:18 CET: [WARN] Unable to get resource from repository central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)
29.02.08 10:21:18 CET: Project build error Cannot find parent: org.biomoby:jmoby for project: org.biomoby:jmoby-core:jar:1.0.0
29.02.08 10:25:27 CET: Reading /moby/pom.xml
29.02.08 10:25:28 CET: Reading /moby/src/samples/pom.xml
29.02.08 10:25:29 CET: [WARN] Unable to get resource from repository central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)
29.02.08 10:25:29 CET: Project build error Cannot find parent: org.biomoby:jmoby for project: org.biomoby:jmoby-plugins:jar:1.0.0
29.02.08 10:25:29 CET: Reading /moby/src/main/pom.xml
29.02.08 10:25:29 CET: [WARN] Unable to get resource from repository central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)
29.02.08 10:25:29 CET: Project build error Cannot find parent: org.biomoby:jmoby for project: org.biomoby:jmoby-core:jar:1.0.0

Severity and Description	Path	Resource	Location	Creation Time	Id
Project build error Cannot find parent: org.biomoby:jmoby for project: org.biomoby:jmoby-core:jar:1.0.0	moby/src/main	pom.xml	line 1	1204277129754	135628
Project build error Cannot find parent: org.biomoby:jmoby for project: org.biomoby:jmoby-plugins:jar:1.0.0	moby/src/samples	pom.xml	line 1	1204277129072	135627
The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot find the class file for org.biomoby.shared.MobyService. Fix the build path then try building this project		moby	Unknown	1204277127536	135626
The type org.biomoby.shared.MobyService cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files	moby/src/main/org/biomoby/client	Taverna.java	line 98	1204277127533	135625

This is linux / Sun JDK-1.5 / eclipse-3.2 

Any ideas ? Further info needed ?


IPB Halle                    AG Massenspektrometrie & Bioinformatik
Dr. Steffen Neumann          http://www.IPB-Halle.DE
Weinberg 3                   http://msbi.bic-gh.de
06120 Halle                  Tel. +49 (0) 345 5582 - 1470
                                  +49 (0) 345 5582 - 0
sneumann(at)IPB-Halle.DE     Fax. +49 (0) 345 5582 - 1409

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