[MOBY-dev] cvs perl folder - potential changes

Edward Kawas edward.kawas at gmail.com
Mon Feb 4 23:41:17 UTC 2008


I have been working on a MOBY cpan module that is hopefully going to
simplify the registry installation portion of mobycentral. 

I am writing to the list to see who would be upset with me if I were to
re-arrange the moby-live/Perl/ folder in the cvs.

Currently, the moby-live/Perl/ folder looks like:

 |--> Accessories/
 |--> docs/
 |--> MOBY/
 |--> scripts/
 |--> t/
 Some files ...

I would like to do the following:

 Perl/MOBY to Perl/lib/MOBY
 Perl/scripts to Perl/share/[cgi|config|db|scripts]

Create a Perl/bin/scripts directory, and a Perl/inc directory.

Replace the Makefile.PL with my new Makefile.PL.

One reason that I wish to do this is to reduce the chance of code forking
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fork_(software_development) ) in the future
with the cvs release and cpan releases. In addition, the new folder layout
is what is used when creating the cpan release module for MOBY.

Anyone object? I will wait for comments/concerns/etc all this week and next
week during the hackathon, I will hopefully carry out these changes.



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