[MOBY-dev] Binary data streaming

Sergio Ramirez Ramirez serr at ac.uma.es
Tue Aug 12 10:04:29 UTC 2008

Sorry for my bad English  :-[

I mean that if you want  "to have control over how to treat the 
referenced data" Xinclude allows this possibility, but at the same time 
offers the possibility of handle them automatically.

Yo have the both behavior, is someones doesn't need to handled them by hand

Martin Senger wrote:
>     Until I know the libraries are able to handle XInclude in both
>     ways, if I want they understand the XInclude information and
>     complete the xml with the contents of the reference; but this
>     option can be desactivated and the reference handled by hand.
> Sorry, I am not sure that I understood  what you just said. Could you 
> perhaps re-phrase it for me. Sorry... and thanks.
> Martin
> -- 
> Martin Senger
> email: martin.senger at gmail.com 
> <mailto:martin.senger at gmail.com>,m.senger at cgiar.org 
> <mailto:m.senger at cgiar.org>
> skype: martinsenger

Sergio Ramírez Ramírez
Instituto Nacional de Bioinformática (INB)
Integrated Bioinformatics Node (GNV-5)
Dpto. de Arquitectura de Computadores
Campus Universitario de Teatinos, despacho 2.3.9a
29071 Málaga (Spain) +34 95 213 3387

"Short-term decisions tend to fail in the long-term."
            Frank Herbert, God Emperor of Dune 

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