[MOBY-dev] Binary data streaming
Sergio Ramirez Ramirez
serr at ac.uma.es
Tue Aug 12 09:53:48 UTC 2008
but the atachment is a reference that you have to handle in the same way
as if it were in the XML schema, you only change the location. Is this
Dmitry Repchevsky wrote:
> Hello, Sergio,
>> What is the advantage of have a reference to a binary data in the
>> atachments? Couldn't we got the same behaviour by adding the
>> reference in the current moby XML structure?
> Yes we could... The difference is that in the case of attachment,
> logically your data are in the same XML document.
> In case of using some external reference they couldn't be parsed using
> standard XML library and have to be parsed by "moby" framework.
> The same amount of work is needed by the service developer. If I use a
> standard way - I just construct my message and send it. The resource
> itself is a part of XML infoset.
> Then I put some structure into an XML that have some external meaning,
> I have to publish my resource somehow (for example through the servlet).
> The latter means that we are moving farther away from web services and
> The main idea of web services is that we don't need any additional
> framework for the interoperability...
> At this moment this is not the case and maybe should never be an
> objective, but IMHO I'd like at least to move in this direction...
> Best regards,
> Dmitry
> Sergio Ramirez Ramirez wrote:
>> Hello Dmitry and others.
>> Just a small question.
>> What is the advantage of have a reference to a binary data in the
>> atachments? Couldn't we got the same behaviour by adding the
>> reference in the current moby XML structure?
>> Could you explain me please?
>> Best regards
>> Sergio
>> Dmitry Repchevsky wrote:
>>> Hello Martin,
>>>> What do you mean by "implement streaming"? I concluded that you meant
>>>> "sending binary data from (or to) a moby service". Is is correct?
>>> yes it is.
>>>> This is again a SOAP-based specification, meaning another way how
>>>> to make an
>>>> attachment (correct?).
>>> XOP is the XML way to reference a binary attachment for XML using a
>>> reference to it.
>>> Even in theory it is not SOAP dependent, the only implementation I
>>> know (I may be wrong) is a MTOM that is for SOAP protocol.
>>> I couldn't find an implementation for straight XML (because we need
>>> a transport for it).
>>>> If the protocol for dereferencing is HTTP, we can use MIME type
>>>> (content-type HTTP header) for
>>>> references data.
>>> This is what XOP is about - the only problem is that it can not
>>> reference an external resource.
>>> It would be great to have something based on Servlet + XML + XOP on
>>> java, but I looked at JAX-RS (JSR-311) REST and there is nothing...
>>> I had an idea, but afraid it has a problem with an implementation.
>>> The idea is to use XML attachment (instead of binary one) and in
>>> those attachment put XInclude with a link to external document.
>>> Such document itself would be an XML with a binary attachment.
>>> So we would have:
>>> External resource represented by XML (moby ontology class like
>>> MobyImage) + a binary attachment with an image data itself.
>>> Then we have a main document with a MobyRef primitive that is
>>> encoded as an XML attachment where an attachment itself is an
>>> XInclude to the MobyImage.
>>> This way the document is assembled into a standard moby message
>>> automagically:
>>> The only problem is that XInclude works with a plain XML, I think...
>>> Cheers,
>>> Dmitry
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Sergio Ramírez Ramírez
Instituto Nacional de Bioinformática (INB)
Integrated Bioinformatics Node (GNV-5)
Dpto. de Arquitectura de Computadores
Campus Universitario de Teatinos, despacho 2.3.9a
29071 Málaga (Spain) +34 95 213 3387
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