[MOBY-dev] Binary data streaming

Sergio Ramirez Ramirez serr at ac.uma.es
Tue Aug 12 09:04:24 UTC 2008

Hello Dmitry and others.

Just a small question.

What is the advantage of have a reference to a binary data in the 
atachments? Couldn't we got the same behaviour by adding the reference 
in the current moby XML structure?

Could you explain me please?

Best regards

Dmitry Repchevsky wrote:
> Hello Martin,
>> What do you mean by "implement streaming"? I concluded that you meant
>> "sending binary data from (or to) a moby service". Is is correct?
> yes it is.
>> This is again a SOAP-based specification, meaning another way how to 
>> make an
>> attachment (correct?).
> XOP is the XML way to reference a binary attachment for XML using a 
> reference to it.
> Even in theory it is not SOAP dependent, the only implementation I 
> know (I may be wrong) is a MTOM that is for SOAP protocol.
> I couldn't find an implementation for straight XML (because we need a 
> transport for it).
>> If the protocol for dereferencing is HTTP, we can use MIME type 
>> (content-type HTTP header) for
>> references data.
> This is what XOP is about - the only problem is that it can not 
> reference an external resource.
> It would be great to have something based on Servlet + XML + XOP on 
> java, but I looked at  JAX-RS (JSR-311) REST and there is nothing...
> I had an idea, but afraid it has a problem with an implementation.
> The idea is to use XML attachment (instead of binary one) and in those 
> attachment put XInclude with a link to external document.
> Such document itself would be an XML with a binary attachment.
> So we would have:
> External resource represented by XML (moby ontology class like 
> MobyImage) + a binary attachment with an image data itself.
> Then we have a main document with a MobyRef primitive that is encoded 
> as an XML attachment where an attachment itself is an XInclude to the 
> MobyImage.
> This way the document is assembled into a standard moby message 
> automagically:
> The only problem is that XInclude works with a plain XML, I think...
> Cheers,
> Dmitry
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Sergio Ramírez Ramírez
Instituto Nacional de Bioinformática (INB)
Integrated Bioinformatics Node (GNV-5)
Dpto. de Arquitectura de Computadores
Campus Universitario de Teatinos, despacho 2.3.9a
29071 Málaga (Spain) +34 95 213 3387

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            Frank Herbert, God Emperor of Dune 

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