[MOBY-dev] Problems with service registration using dashboard

Edward Kawas edward.kawas at gmail.com
Fri Aug 8 14:10:03 UTC 2008

I updated the 2 services. Did this fix the problem?


-----Original Message-----
From: moby-dev-bounces at lists.open-bio.org
[mailto:moby-dev-bounces at lists.open-bio.org] On Behalf Of Martin Senger
Sent: August-08-08 6:57 AM
To: Core developer announcements
Subject: Re: [MOBY-dev] Problems with service registration using dashboard

> Is there something we can do exempt waiting ?

I am trying to find a work-around, or a fix. So far, let me just tell how I
see where is the problem (which is not that much useful for you, I

The registry is sending wrong XML. [Another question is why it has the wrong
data, in the first place - but that's less important now.] The wrong data
(coming from registry) are for the a service from authority
www.glycome-db.org. The data has a German U with umlaut (ü) - but it is
coded as three characters 0xEF 0xBF 0xBD - which is not UTF-8 code of such
character. Actually, it is no UNICODE code at all. This umlaut character
should be coded as two characters 0x6C 0xC3.

The best would be if Eddie can fix manually the database - because it is
otherwise hard to fix it in Java (like in Dashboard) because the encoding is
done in very low level, long before our Java code gets control. So I would
rather ask Eddie to fix it - and only when he says he cannot, I will try to
come with a Java-based fix. [But I am leaving for Europe in about 7 hours,
so I may be out of the loop for a while if this is not responded soon.]


Martin Senger
email: martin.senger at gmail.com,m.senger at cgiar.org
skype: martinsenger

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