[MOBY-dev] BOSC 2008 Announcement and Call For Submissions

darin.london at duke.edu darin.london at duke.edu
Tue Apr 29 16:56:15 UTC 2008

BOSC 2008 Call for Abstracts Reminder

The 9th annual Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC 2008) will take place in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, as one of several Special Interest Group (SIG) meetings occurring in conjunction with the 16th annual Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology Conference (ISMB 2008).

This is a reminder to submit your proposals for talks to the BOSC submission system before May 11.

Submission Process:
All abstracts must be submitted through our Open Conference Systems site (http://events.open-bio.org/BOSC2008/openconf.php).
The form will ask for a small Abstract Text to be pasted into it, and a full paper.  The small Abstract text should be a summary, while the longer abstract (should provide more details, including the open-source license requirement details)
Full-length abstracts are limited to one page with one inch (2.5 cm) margins on the top, sides, and bottom.  The full-length abstract should include the title, authors, and affiliations.  We prefer your abstract to be in PDF format, although plain t

Important Dates:
May 11: Abstract submission deadline.
June 2: Notification of accepted talks.
June 4: Early registration discount cut-off.
July 18-19: BOSC 2008!

We hope to see you at BOSC 2008!

Kam Dahlquist and Darin London
BOSC 2008 Co-organizers


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