[MOBY-dev] PlayMOBY: a lightweight framework to deploy BioMOBY web-services in perl

Sebastien Carrere Sebastien.Carrere at toulouse.inra.fr
Fri Apr 4 14:16:25 UTC 2008

Bonjour à tous,

I would like to announce the release of a new BioMOBY tool:

PlayMOBY is a framework developped in our lab to automatically generate 
the Perl code and publish BioMOBY web-services.

The starting point to deploy a web-service using PlayMOBY is a Mobyle 
description file (Letondal et al).
That's why we provide a perl module (Appli.pm) to produce such a file in 
the tarball.

For more information, please have a look to this section:

PlayMoby is freely available (CeCill Licence, GNU-GPL compatible).

If you are interested in using PlayMOBY and having any problem, do not 
hesitate to send me an email.

Bonne journee,

Sebastien Carrere

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