[MOBY-dev] Custom BioMOBY Central

Pieter Neerincx Pieter.Neerincx at wur.nl
Mon Sep 17 12:25:16 UTC 2007

Hi Eddie,

Thanks for the info. I think it's a good thing to move all the  
BioMOBY Central stuff to a single language. The installation  
intructions for BioMOBY Centrals were getting loooooong and debugging  
dependencies between all the different components involved was not  
really trivial anymore.

If I understand correctly the 'moby.html' page, which is not yet  
there, is the thing that would allow me to test whether the  
installation was successful and which explains how to use the  
different scripts. Without this documentation I'm more or less blind : 
(. (Ok, I could read the source code and try to reverse engineer, but  
would take a lot of time.) Is the RDF generator functionality not yet  
implemented in the Perl version or do I miss something? Maybe I  
should stick to the Perl/Java combi for now. At least it works with  
Taverna. I'm looking forward to testing the complete Perl solution  
though, so let me know if moby.html is born...



On 12-sep-2007, at 20:26, Edward Kawas wrote:

>> Having said that, I would take a look at the following
>> webpage and set up the Perl versions of the servlets:
>> http://biomoby.open-bio.org/CVS_CONTENT/moby-live/Docs/MOBY-S_
>> API/RegistryScripts.html
> Sorry, I forgot to mention that the page mentioned above contains a
> reference to a page 'moby.html'. That file doesn't exist yet so  
> please don't
> try looking for it!
> Eddie
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