[MOBY-dev] theological question.

Dmitry Repchevsky dmitry.repchevski at bsc.es
Tue Oct 30 11:34:18 UTC 2007


I have a question about the life, universe and web-services.

Is there any accordance about the "part name" name in biomoby?
Since biomoby use soap web-services it supposed to use wsdl (there is 
even the operation in the Registry to retrieve it).
Within a service there is a parameters' definition part (in moby there 
are only two  -  request/result String).
Basicly it looks like:
<part name="String_1" type="xsd:string"/>

Axis is relaxed about the name of parameter unless it can infer it from 
a call (there is only one method to call).
The problem is with another Web-Services stacks like jboss-ws which is 
trying to be strict to specification.

I found that java/perl name the parameters differently ("data" for perl 
and "arg0" for java).
Even more AXIS has a bug putting the namespace into the name of the 
parameter that goes against the specification (ns1:arg0).

Well maybe it just a rhetoric question, but is there a solution?



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