[MOBY-dev] Fwd: PLoS ONE Decision [07-PONE-RA-01200R1]

Mark Wilkinson markw at illuminae.com
Fri Oct 26 17:56:09 UTC 2007

Hi All,

Well, the manuscript was rejected again, without any additional review  
(after two months of waiting!).  I think that says more about the quality  
of PLoS ONE than it says about the quality of the manuscript, but...  
hey... what can you do?

So, I guess we need to find another place to send it.  Does anyone have  
any preferences?


------- Forwarded message -------
From: PLoSONE at plos.org
To: markw at illuminae.com
Subject: PLoS ONE Decision [07-PONE-RA-01200R1]
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 06:26:25 -0700

Dear Dr. Wilkinson,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript "Interoperability with Moby 1.0:  
It's Better than Sharing your Toothbrush" to PLoS ONE. I am sorry about  
the delay in the review process.

After careful consideration, we have decided that we will not be able to  
accept this manuscript for publication in the journal in its current form,  
although we would be willing to review again a much-revised version if you  
felt able to address the specific concerns detailed below.

Should you decide to revise the manuscript for further consideration here,  
your revisions should address the specific points raised by one of the  

Please pay close attention to our "Guidelines for Authors" and "Submission  
Checklist" when revising your manuscript.

There are templates available to help authors format papers for  
publication in PLoS ONE, and include all the relevant information in the  
appropriate place. You can download them from our instructions for authors  
at http://www.plosone.org/static/guidelines.action#preparation (under  
"organization of the manuscript"). The four templates are: Standard  
Research article, Clinical Trial, Clinical Research article, and  
Systematic Review/Meta-Analysis - please choose the appropriate one for  
your particular type of study.

When your files are completely ready please resubmit your manuscript by  
logging on to our journal manuscript system at http://one.plosjms.org/

Thank you for your support of PLoS ONE.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Jörg Hoheisel
Academic Editor, PLoS ONE


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