[MOBY-dev] Can someone represent Moby in Rome?
Mark Wilkinson
markw at illuminae.com
Fri Oct 12 14:05:13 UTC 2007
If there are no other offers, I'll tell the CASIMIR people that Paul will
Paul, can you confirm 100% that you are available?
On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 16:04:19 -0700, Pieter Neerincx
<Pieter.Neerincx at wur.nl> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm in Europe, but have a meeting in Paris the day before and I'll
> promote Moby there :), but I won't be able to get to Rome in time.
> Cheers,
> Pi
> On 11 Oct 2007, at 21:10, Paul Gordon wrote:
>> I can go if no Europeans volunteer...
>>> Hi all core developers!
>>> I've been invited to present Moby at a meeting in Rome on November
>>> 28th.
>>> Unfortunately, I have a meeting on the 27th here in Vancouver that
>>> prevents me from getting to Rome in time. I've asked Martin and
>>> Eddie and
>>> neither of them are able to do it.
>>> It's a presentation to the CASIMIR project (http://
>>> www.casimir.org.uk).
>>> They are considering things like DAS and MART, and are interested in
>>> adding Moby to their overall list of possible data-integration
>>> choices.
>>> I'd really like to convince them that Moby is a good option!
>>> Can anyone else from the core development team attend this meeting
>>> and
>>> present a good case for Moby? Someone from INB or PlaNet would be
>>> **perfect** since you can give first-hand examples of integrating
>>> large
>>> projects over Moby.
>>> Please let me know ASAP.
>>> Cheers all!
>>> Mark
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Mark Wilkinson
Assistant Professor, Dept. Medical Genetics
University of British Columbia
PI Bioinformatics
iCAPTURE Centre, St. Paul's Hospital
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