[MOBY-dev] An update on moby Central

Pieter Neerincx Pieter.Neerincx at wur.nl
Fri Nov 16 12:47:57 UTC 2007


On 16-nov-2007, at 3:49, mark wilkinson wrote:

> As you know, we're trying to move Moby Central to a new (faster!!)  
> server at the SUN Centre of Excellence in Calgary (headed by  
> Christoph Sensen, Paul Gordon's PhD supervisor).  The migration is  
> turning out to be extremely troublesome, largely due to our  
> dependence on the libxml2 libraries.  This is unfortunate... It  
> likely means that moby central will be difficult to install for  
> many people...

I do install test Centrals on a more or less regular basis :) and yes  
the procedure can be... challenging :). Especially since we try to  
keep the OS and other software separated. So we never install stuff  
in the "default" place. I have no experience with the latest pure  
Perl version of BioMOBY Central, but libxml2 should be fine as long  
as you have a relative recent version. Not sure if this helps, but  
from my own experience:

* For older versions there is a list describing which version of  
XML::LibXML works with which version of libxml2. Apparently you can  
not randomly mix versions! Even minor differences in the version  
number can break things.

* If libxml2 is not in the default path or you have an OS supplied  
older version in the default path and want to link some Perl stuff to  
a newer version in an alternative location, please make sure the xml2- 
config binary is pointing to the libxml2 version you want to use and  
xml2-config is in your PATH both for yourself and for the apache user.

If you are having other problems just put them on the mailinglist;  
maybe one of us has seen them before...

> But I'm sure it will be worth the trouble, since it will be on a  
> dedicated 64bit server with high connectivity, compared to the  
> server it is on now which seems to have terrible connectivity  
> problems for everyone except me ;-)
> Eddie s well along in making a CPAN release of Moby, and Wendy is  
> well along in working on the multi-lingual problem (we're trying to  
> be compatible with every mysql down to Mysql version 3)
> So there is progress on the milestones from the last developers  
> meeting!
> I believe that Eddie has also completed a pure-perl implementation  
> of all Moby Central code, so we won't have the urrent chaotic  
> mixture of Tomcat and Apache dependencies.

I'd love to give that one a try, so if you are looking for a "guinea  
pig" let me know :)...



> Progress!
> M
> --
> Mark Wilkinson
> ...on the road!
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