[MOBY-dev] MOBY::Async::Service in Java?

Iván Párraga García ivanp at mmb.pcb.ub.es
Fri Mar 2 00:25:30 UTC 2007


If you need somebody providing Java async services, just let me know it.
I'll be happy to check any version/prototype.


Martin Senger escribió:
>> Is there an equivalent to the MOBY::Async::Service module in Java?
> I will be looking into in during March and April (with a definitive target
> date to be fully completed before I meet with Mark and few others in
> Vancouver in June). I will be looking how to make async services in Moses,
> both Java and Perl Moses. (BTW - and out of the topic - why do we still have
> two Perl versions?)
> Martin

Iván Párraga García
Computer Scientist
Molecular Modelling & Bioinformatics Unit
INB - Instituto Nacional de Bioinformática
Josep Samitier 1-5
08028 Barcelona
tel.: +34 93 403 71 55
fax.: +34 93 403 71 57
e-mail: ivanp at mmb.pcb.ub.es
group page: http://mmb.pcb.ub.es 
pgp key: http://mmb.pcb.ub.es/~ivanp/pubkey.asc

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