[MOBY-dev] help: local registry installation

Pieter Neerincx Pieter.Neerincx at wur.nl
Mon Jun 4 09:00:57 UTC 2007


What version are you currently running? S::L 0.60 has been the  
official "stable" release for a very long time (released February  
2004). It's rather outdated, but don't fix something if it ain't  
broke. If you do upgrade, go straight to 0.69 and skip the 0.60 <  
releases < 0.69, they are all beta and have severe known issues. 0.69  
is probably not perfect either (it's labeled "** UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE  
**" on CPAN), but so far I haven't had problems with this one.

Fortunately BioMOBY only requires rather basic functionality from  
S::L. If you use S::L for more complex things like for example  
sending SOAP attachments, you'll see issues with all versions :(.



On  04 Jun 2007, at 08:05, Barboza, Lord Hendrix ((IRRI)) wrote:

> Hi,
> Before I do an update of my SOAP::Lite to .69 this morning, I've  
> updated
> the code first using "cvs update -dP" since I've received an email  
> from
> eddie Kawas stating that there was a bug in the repository code and it
> is already fixed. So I tried it first and fortunately it gives a
> successful result. Do I still have to update Soap::Lite for future  
> use?
> Thanks for all the ideas and help.
> Lord  Hendrix A. Barboza
> Programmer - Web Services
> Crop Research Informatics Laboratory (CRIL)
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