[MOBY-dev] The hijacked jMoby meeting in Vancouver

mark wilkinson markw at illuminae.com
Mon Jun 4 01:32:46 UTC 2007

Well, we just had a meeting of the core jMoby developers here in Vancouver.  The *intent* of the meeting was to consolidate the various Java toolkits, or at least to decide on a unified "face" to present to the world on the Java side of Moby, since there is a lot of overlap between the functionality of the various Java libraries (and increasingly on the Perl side as well) which makes it difficult for newcomers to navigate through what they are supposed to do.


The meeting was hijacked!  The hijackers were Martin, Ivan, Paul and Me :-)

We ended-up discussing the core API, particularly in light of the recent deprecation of RPC encoding in SOAP (which is what Moby has used since the beginning)

You can browse the minutes of the meeting by clicking on the "General" blog category on the right hand column of the homepage.  There is a list of the 4 core API changes we are planning to implement, as well as the broader discussion of why we want to do this, and who is responsible for each one.  There is a TODO list of ~30 items that have been assigned to individuals at the meeting, but anyone in the Moby community is welcome to help in areas where they have specific expertise!

One of the most exciting developments was Paul Gordon's presentation of his SeaHawk Moby client.  Access to Moby from any web browsing session, and the auto-mobyfication of any web resource!  Absolutely amazing!!!  The usefulness of Moby is about to explode!!!!!!  We should all pay close attention to this client and utilize it/extend it as best we can as it is (IMO) the most powerful client we have seen so far!

Best wishes everyone!!



Mark Wilkinson
...on the road!

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