[MOBY-dev] PLoS ONE Decision: Semantic Web Services

Duncan Hull duncan.hull at cs.man.ac.uk
Wed Jul 4 09:56:33 UTC 2007

Hello Mark

Mark Wilkinson wrote:
> 3. How can you compare it with the other semantic web services ontology’s?

I haven't seen the BioMOBY Plos One manuscipt recently but it sounds 
like it might benefit from an explanation of how BioMOBY is different to 
myGrid and AI-systems like WSMO and OWL-S: For example:

1. How is BioMOBYs approach is different to myGrid? I think the key 
differentiator here is tagging (BioMOBY style) vs. curation (myGrid 
style). Each approach has its own strengths and limitations, which we 
are familiar with...

2. How is BioMOBY different to OWL-S and WSMO for example? I think the 
key differentiator here is reasoning. Neither BioMOBY or myGrid 
currently use description logic reasoning in a way originally envisioned 
by the AI community:


In these approaches, reasoning is used to improve matching (better 
precision and recall) and ranking (a query for a service produces 
hundreds of hits, how do you rank them?)

Just my $0.02



Duncan Hull
+44 (0) 161 306 5139

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