[MOBY-dev] Updates to MOBY Central

Pieter Neerincx Pieter.Neerincx at wur.nl
Thu Feb 8 20:01:15 UTC 2007

Hi Eddie,

I think I ran into a small problem. When I use  
MOBY::Client::Central::DUMP I get the following error:
Connection to MOBY Central at 'http://mobycentral.icapture.ubc.ca/ 
MOBY/Central' died because:
         String value expected instead of ARRAY reference


This happens both with:
* Old BioMOBY libs with S::L 0.60 connecting to updated BioMOBY  
Central with S::L 0.69
* New BioMOBY libs with S::L 0.69 connecting to updated BioMOBY  
Central with S::L 0.69

I'm suspecting the following line to be the cruel-pit:

MOBY::Central.pm line 3139 sub DUMP_MySQL:  return [@response];

I'm guessing your new S::L (de-)serializer expects an XML string  
instead of the array ref... Is that possible?


Pi in update mode :)

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