[MOBY-dev] Perl MoSeS on CPAN

Edward Kawas edward.kawas at gmail.com
Thu Aug 23 15:12:14 UTC 2007

Hello Everyone,


Following the suggestions of some of the others on the list, I have created
and distributed a cpan release of Perl MoSeS. 


The distribution is called MOSES-MOBY and can be found at
http://search.cpan.org/~ekawas/MOSES-MOBY-0.81/ (and most likely at many
other mirror sites). 


The distribution is slightly different than the one that is in the cvs as
the cpan version no longer depends on the BioMOBY JAVA command line clients
and is entirely self-contained. All of the testing scripts that Martin
created are used by the cpan release. The documentation for getting started
is mainly contained in the module MOSES/MOBY.pm (again mainly from the Perl
MoSeS documentation that Martin wrote). Most interested parties will not
have to worry about the other modules.


I am very interested in feedback (both to improve the service creation
experience and to improve the documentation).


Thanks a lot,



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