[MOBY-dev] Re. Post-review manuscript committed

Bjoern Usadel Usadel at mpimp-golm.mpg.de
Sat Aug 4 15:25:42 UTC 2007

Hi Mark,

I resend my affiliation(and Pieter Neerincx's one which I grabbed from his sig 9 July 2007) to your illuminae address.

Could it be that some of the affiliations got lost when send to you privately, since I did sent my affiliation already and I guess Pieter did as well. Or is it just my stupid webmail client (again)?

Rebecca Ernst used to be at the MIPS, maybe Andreas Groscurth or Dirk Haase know her current email and affiliation? (You are bcced, so sorry if you get the mail multiple times)

Roman Rosset I found on an old INB presentation, maybe someone knows him there.

Jason Stewart, Yan Wong I have never heard of and they are to many possible hits, sorry.

Ok now I will read the actual paper....

Best Wishes,

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