[MOBY-dev] [spam] Re: BioMOBY Asynchronous Service Call Proposal v2.2/3 - The location of queryIDs

Mark Wilkinson markw at illuminae.com
Wed Sep 27 16:33:53 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-09-27 at 17:15 +0200, Pieter Neerincx wrote:

> > you are describing than the one in the example? Can you give some
> > examples where it would be necessary to return the queryIDs? Again,  
> > not
> > sure if I understand

It's a part of the API:

The queryID has no intrinsic meaning
Enumeration of mobyData elements is achieved by the queryID attribute of
the mobyData element, whose value has no intrinsic meaning. The client
program should choose it be any legal XML attribute value, such that it
is unique to each mobyData in the message. Service providers should not
attempt to interpret the value of queryID; it is simply an identifier.
The service provider must assign the same queryID to the associated
mobyData element in their response message (described below). This
allows the client program to match each query with its corresponding

The articleName attribute of the Simple and/or Collection elements is
optional (it may or may not be there, and if there, it may or may not
have a non-null value), and is used to invoke services that have named
arguments; a single queryInput may contain multiple Simple and/or
Collection articles that need to be differentiated by name.

(from http://biomoby.open-bio.org/CVS_CONTENT/moby-live/Docs/MOBY-


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