[MOBY-dev] RFC: jMoby will start using Java 1.5. from June 30, 2006
Paul Gordon
gordonp at ucalgary.ca
Tue May 2 14:16:51 UTC 2006
I believe our plan was to freeze the Java 1.4 version at that date. We
can certainly keep a 1.4 JAR version around, but it would not be updated
with new functionality committed after June 30th...
> Martin Senger wrote:
>> Eddie, how is going your Taverna 1.5.enquiries? It seems that we may make
>> a tag 1.4, and start to use 1.5 when you give us a green light. Don't
>> worry, however, it does not need to be *now*.
> To quote myself from taverna-hackers list following Eddie's request there:
> Edward Kawas wrote:
>>>>> Sorry, I don't think that I asked my question properly!
>>>>> Basically, I wanted to check whether jmoby.jar, created
>>>>> with java 1.5, will break Taverna. Have you already made
>>>>> the switch to 1.5? My thoughts are that you haven't, but
>>>>> I may be wrong.
> We are aware that jMoby will switch to java 1.5, and it is one of our
> arguments against ourself on why we should switch to java 1.5 as a whole.
> http://twiki.mygrid.org.uk/twiki/bin/view/Mygrid/JavaFiveOMII
> Will the old jmoby.jar stop working? When? We have a large installed
> user base of Taverna probably running with Java 1.4.
> >From this you can conclude that, yes, it's OK for Taverna that you are
> moving to Java5, we want to do the same, but we are gathering momentum
> for doing the change. Our 2.0 development will be based on Java5.
> However, I do sincerely hope that the old jMoby libraries don't just
> stop working from June 30th, because there's a big base of installed
> Tavernas out there, and we might not want to bump to Java5 for the next
> minor release of Taverna.
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