[MOBY-dev] [MOBY-l] missing RFC1863 support in perl CommonSubs

Frank Gibbons francis_gibbons at hms.harvard.edu
Fri Mar 24 14:38:45 UTC 2006


To my knowledge, nobody has yet checked in any work on integrating the new 
Exception mechanism into the Perl codebase. It appears that the Java 
codebase already has this feature, so we need it in the Perl version too, 
urgently. You should feel free to go ahead - anyone out there working on 
this? perhaps you should get together on it.


At 04:50 AM 3/24/2006, you wrote:
>Dear list,
>I just learned how to use Biomoby and stumbled over the problem that it
>is not possible to integrate
>moby Exceptions (as specified in RFC1863) into the header using the perl
>method "responseHeader"  from CommonSubs (latest cvs). Since everything
>there which is passed in the parameter notes gets HTMLified and wrapped
>into notes as well as service notes.
>Is anybody working on fixing that?
>Otherwise I could try developing a  version here with the additional
>paramter exception (and post it on this list?)
>moby-l mailing list
>moby-l at lists.open-bio.org

PhD, Computational Biologist,
Harvard Medical School BCMP/SGM-322, 250 Longwood Ave, Boston MA 02115, USA.
Tel: 617-432-3555       Fax: 
617-432-3557       http://llama.med.harvard.edu/~fgibbons 

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