[MOBY-dev] Printing shorthand BioMOBY RDF notation

Duncan Hull duncan.hull at cs.man.ac.uk
Thu Mar 2 18:27:22 UTC 2006


Can anyone recommend any tools for printing shorthand notation of 
BioMOBY RDF service descriptions, e.g. that output from 
http://mobycentral.icapture.ubc.ca/LSID_resolver.html ?

I was thinking of N3 [1] or something similar, but maybe someone on 
moby-dev knows better?

Fitting all that lovely RDF onto a sheet of A4 paper is a challenging 
task...so I could use a shorthand notation.


[1] http://infomesh.net/2001/cwm/ looks very old

Duncan Hull
Phone: +44 (0) 161 275 0677

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