[MOBY-dev] BioMOBY at ISMB / BOSC 2006

Pieter Neerincx Pieter.Neerincx at wur.nl
Wed Jul 26 15:35:04 UTC 2006

On  26 Jul 2006, at 16:18, Phillip Lord wrote:

>>>>>> "PN" == Pieter Neerincx <Pieter.Neerincx at wur.nl> writes:
>   PN> So how do the others feel about a BioMOBY lunch or a BioMOBY
>   PN> coffee break meeting point? I also wouldn't mind to stay longer
>   PN> at the convention center for a BioMOBY diner.
> My understanding is that the convention center is someway from the
> hotels,

Yes, most hotels are along the coast and the convention center is  
more towards the center of town.

> and that there will be transport provided too and from.
> Besides, what's wrong with the beech....

There's nothing wrong with the beach. Might want to try a  
BioMOBYfiers cocktail pipeline: everybody bring your own bottle,  
contribute to the mix and pass a glass on to the next person/ 
service :). Might result in some good ideas, but the beach is usually  
not the best place to take notes and my laptop probably doesn't like  
the sand...

So I assume you'll be there too. That's 3 and counting...


> Phil
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