[MOBY-dev] Code updates in jMOBY

Paul Gordon gordonp at ucalgary.ca
Fri Jul 7 22:34:47 UTC 2006


All of my code is DOM based, primarily because I am using many tools 
that sit on top of the DOM, such as XPath evaluators, XSLT processors, 
etc.  Also, the DOM implementation comes free with Java 1.5 (i.e. the 
JRE includes DOM compliant parsers, translators, etc.), so there are no 
external dependencies when using the JAXP and JAXT APIs.  While there is 
nothing wrong with using jDOM, I'm just reluctant to force people to use 
it over the built-in Java methods.  If everyone else (hello?) definitely 
wants to use jDOM though, we can make a plan to migrate the code base 
that way.


> Paul,
>    Thanks for assurance... I still do not have time to confirm or reject
> your explanation. I will do it later ad let you know.I m sure we will find
> a solution (if there is a problem).
>    However, you mentioned several time that one of your concern is JDOM.
> Mine too, actually. I know that we (in jMoby) are using - unfortunately -
> both: DOM and JDOM. I prefer JDOM. Is there an easy way to use just one -
> jDOM? 
>    Martin

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