[MOBY-dev] Last minute change to RFC1913
Pieter Neerincx
Pieter.Neerincx at wur.nl
Tue Jan 31 10:48:33 UTC 2006
On 31-Jan-2006, at 1:51 AM, Mark Wilkinson wrote:
> Hiya,
> I've changed the 1913 RFC such that the timestamp is in GMT (suffixed
> with a "Z").
> At the level of the MOBY::Central code, it is using the following call
> to generate the timestamp:
> gmtime(time())
> However, the time() function returns different values on Mac vs
> Windows/*nix OS's (the Epoch is not the same in the Mac world,
> apparently!)
> Can someone with a Mac please confirm that the gmtime function in Perl
> will correctly report GMT on a Mac (or is this problem solved with OS-
> X?)? I want to be sure that the MOBY Central code is portable, and
> reporting correctly if we are going to start suggesting that people
> can
> actually use this timestamp for anything important.
Hi Mark,
Just checked it on a Mac running OS X. Both time() and gmtime() work
exactly the same as on my Linux box :). Remember OS X is a nice
custom Apple GUI, but on top of a Free BSD clone. The old OS 9 and
before might be a completely different story, but I haven't used it
in years :). I don't think there is a single vendor that still
supports OS 9, so I don't think we should worry about it either: OS 9
is museum-ware :).
> I take it that nobody has any objections in principle to this change?
> M
> P.S. to report gmtime(time) in a human-readable form retrieve it as a
> scalar rather than in list context - print scalar(gmtime(time))
> --
> --
> ...his last words were 'Hey guys! Watch this!'
> --
> Mark Wilkinson
> Asst. Professor
> Dept. of Medical Genetics
> University of British Columbia
> PI in Bioinformatics
> iCAPTURE Centre
> St. Paul's Hospital
> Rm. 166, 1081 Burrard St.
> Vancouver, BC, V6Z 1Y6
> tel: 604 682 2344 x62129
> fax: 604 806 9274
> "For most of this century we have viewed communications as a conduit,
> a pipe between physical locations on the planet.
> What's happened now is that the conduit has become so big and
> interesting
> that communication has become more than a conduit,
> it has become a destination in its own right..."
> Paul Saffo - Director, Institute for the Future
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