[MOBY-dev] Announcement: Perl Moses released

Martin Senger senger at ebi.ac.uk
Tue Aug 1 15:18:02 UTC 2006

Dear Moby developers, especially if you are funs of $%@_ characters in
your code. Talking about Perl, of course.

Eddie and me, we created a project "Perl Moses" that does the same things
for Perl developers as the MoSeS does for Java. Which means that it uses
information stored in BioMoby registry (actually in the local cache) to
generate Perl code that helps to implement BioMoby services (in Perl).
Again the motto is: "Concentrate on the business logic and let Moses takes
care about the XML and other horrible stuff."

The code is released as an alpha version (numbered 0.8). As far as we
know, it is working, but we desperately need your feedback. We will be
fixing bugs as you find them. (Perhaps with some delay because in the next
hour, I am heading to an airport flying to South America - not only for
BOSC/ISMB but almost for two months. But the South America has an Internet
connection, hasn't it? :-))

The best way is probably to browse its (almost finished) documentation at: 

This is also the right place to thank Richard Bruskiewich and the whole
Generation Challenge Programme and IRRI for supporting this
project. Moses would not exist without GCP (wow, it sounds strange :-)).


Martin Senger
   email: martin.senger at gmail.com
   skype: martinsenger

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