[MOBY-dev] splitting jmoby.jar

Martin Senger senger at ebi.ac.uk
Fri Apr 28 15:43:03 UTC 2006

> Most likely all of the classes in the package 
> 	org.biomoby.client.ui, org.biomoby.client.rdf, org.biomoby.registry are
   Okay, I splitted jmoby.jar into 3:
      jmoby-dashboard.jar has org.biomoby.service.dashboard,
      jmoby-others has org.biomoby.client.ui, org.biomoby.client.rdf,
org.biomoby.registry, and
      jmoby.jar has the rest.

   Which means that if anybody wants to develop a service in a different
directory (if it does directly in jMoby directiry, nothing changed), she
needs to copy there only jmoby.jar (and few others third-party libraries -

   I have also created a short document "How to develop a BioMoby
service" (http://biomoby.open-bio.org/CVS_CONTENT/moby-live/Java/docs/ServiceDevelopment.html) to
summarize what har files are needed.


Martin Senger
   email: martin.senger at gmail.com
   skype: martinsenger

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