[MOBY-dev] RFC: jMoby will start using Java 1.5. from June 30, 2006

Paul Gordon gordonp at ucalgary.ca
Wed Apr 26 16:27:37 UTC 2006

True.  Perhaps we are flattering ourselves by assuming there are so many 
jMOBY developers to appease :-)
I think Martin, Eddie and myself account for 99% of the commits to jMOBY...
In terms of jMOBY library *users*, if they need Java 1.4, we can put a 
'preJava15' tag on the trunk right now,
and they'll have to upgrade their Java before they can check out any 
newer code.  The sooner we switch, the better!

>    I would like to continue to work on the HEAD (or is it called
> TRUNK?). Otherwise, I do not mind. But isn't it easier just to move to
> java 1.5. sooner? Is there anyone around still in need of pure 1.4?
>    Martin

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