[MOBY-dev] invitation for the RFC committee with a tenure of one year

Edward Kawas edward.kawas at gmail.com
Thu Sep 15 22:46:52 UTC 2005

-----Original Message-----
From: mark wilkinson [mailto:markw at illuminae.com] 
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 3:06 PM
To: Frank Gibbons; Eddie Kawas
Subject: Re: [MOBY-l] Using bugzilla to continue RFC on
Error-handling in MOBY-S

Hey Frank! Cc Eddie

Thanks for riding this.  I am on holiday, and not in Net
contact except by blackberry, so I'm not "useful" right now.

I think we should put out an invitation on the -dev list for
the RFC committee with a tenure of one year, but also
specifically invite the main developers/vested interests to
be part of it:  me, you, martin, eddie, simon, heiko, paul,
yan wong, and at least one from the spanish contingent (have
I missed anyone?).

I don't have all their email addresses on my bberry so
unless you or Eddie (cc'd) post this invitation to the dev
list yourselves it may take a week before I am back in
net-world.  Eddie, could you do this? Tomorrow or this
afternoon?  It would be good to get this sorted asap to keep
on schedule.


-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Gibbons <fgibbons at hms.harvard.edu>
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 11:21:53 
To:moby-l at biomoby.org
Subject: [MOBY-l] Using bugzilla to continue RFC on
Error-handling in MOBY-S


I've just added a few "bugs" to the bugzilla, to try to
preserve the RFC 
momentum built up over the past few weeks. I propose that,
bugzilla is perhaps not ideal for this, it is what it is, it
is what we 
have, and it will do for now.

I'd like to propose that we try to continue development of
this RFC through 
bugzilla (see bug #1863), rather than through the mailing
list. Searching 
through old mail messages (or worse still, through the
digest, with all of 
its repeated messages and long inclusions) is tedious, and I
contributes to the loss in momentum.

So far, in Martin's scheme for RFC-processing, we have
(numbers are those 
used in Martin's original suggestion, now available in the
codebase as 

1. Had a suggestion made by INB to add this features. It was
added to 
bugzilla, No. 1863
2. Suggested to resolve it by today (Sep-15)
3. Martin backed up the RFC
4. I think we have the resources to make this change - it
seems an 
essential part of a robust API, which version 1.0 should be.
5a. List members have exchanged several comments back and
forth, resulting 
in amended versions of the RFC being posted to the mailing
5b. We've also gotten a little side-tracked by the related
articleName problem.

So it seems to me that it's time to vote on it (step 6 of
the Senger 
seven-step scheme ;-). Martin suggested that Mark would ask
a limited 
number of people to vote on it after the resolution date
(today). I guess 
those people would self-select, or maybe Mark will select
them. They will 
be requested to make a one-year commitment.

After that comes step 7, the "fun part": implementation,

We're pretty close to reaching a conclusion on this. The
fact is that even 
if we do nothing, people want this functionality, and they
WILL implement 
it. It is in everybody's interest that we have a
specification for what the 
functionality should be. It may change over time, but I
think there has 
been enough back-and-forth that we have a reasonable first
draft, and 
should vote on it.

P.S. Of course, this message, along with version 1.7.1 of
the RFC is 
attached to the bug on bugzilla

PhD, Computational Biologist,
Harvard Medical School BCMP/SGM-322, 250 Longwood Ave,
Boston MA 02115, USA.
Tel: 617-432-3555       Fax: 
617-432-3557       http://llama.med.harvard.edu/~fgibbons 

moby-l mailing list
moby-l at biomoby.org

Mark Wilkinson
..on the road!

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