[personal] Re: [MOBY-dev] [RFC] Exception Reporting in bioMOBY v1.5 - INB proposal

Martin Senger senger at ebi.ac.uk
Thu Sep 1 00:10:39 UTC 2005

> It isn't entirely clear to me that there is a need to throw errors on a
> specific Simple within a Collection.
   I quite like how Mark explained it, and it makes sense to me. I am just
not too concerned because this part is just an optional part - so the only
"mandatory" part in the API (regarding this issue) will/would be "...and
ignore other possibly present attributes in the Simples in a Collection".
   But still, I am interested to hear David's argumentation againts Mark's
explanation. David, do you have a real-life use-case where you expect to
create such response?


Martin Senger
   email: martin.senger at gmail.com
   skype: martinsenger
consulting for:
   International Rice Research Institute
   Biometrics and Bioinformatics Unit
   DAPO BOX 7777, Metro Manila
   Philippines, phone: +63-2-580-5600 (ext.2324)

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