[MOBY-dev] Migration to new API

Rebecca Ernst rebecca.ernst at gsf.de
Fri Oct 21 12:17:41 UTC 2005

Hi Mark and others!

just wanted to let you know that all MIPS services are migrated already.
Unfortunately it took us much longer than 5 Minutes because many of our 
services used objects which inherited indirectly from string (second and 
more level in the hierarchy) therefore we had to change a lot of 
services (the part taking most of the time was to find out which 
services had to be changed!)
And we are certainly happy that we don't have to re-register all of them 
again (*cheering*) !!!


Rebecca Ernst
MIPS, Inst. for Bioinformatics
GSF Research Center for Environment and Health
Ingolstaedter Landstr. 1
85764 Neuherberg
fon: +49 89 3187 3583
email: Rebecca.Ernst at gsf.de

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